
This started as a food blog, focusing on where I was (Howard County, Maryland), and my love of the local CSAs, the farmer’s markets, and enjoying food and cooking.

I have no formal training, so I probably hold a knife wrong, and there are likely better ways for me to break down vegetables. But I still like being in the kitchen. I learned to cook from my mom, and also from watching a ton of Food Network. When I first moved out on my own, I had a rotation of three dishes that I made regularly (baked chicken, pan-seared salmon, pasta), and that was about it. Then, when I got together with K, we spent a lot of time in the kitchen together, and I slowly expanded my kitchen repertoire. Now that we have kids, I alternate between coaxing them to eat vegetables and just giving in and letting them eat veggie straws to their hearts’ content.

Our family has moved north — we’re in Ottawa now, so there have been plenty of new food options to explore, new brands to try, new candies to gently dissuade the kids from eating. It’s a constant adventure, for sure.

3 thoughts on “About

  1. Happy to find you! I’ve been looking for other local food/eating/enjoying blogs, and they are surprisingly hard to find. (Waving at you from waaaaay over in Anne Arundel County). Come visit me sometime at Beyond Back Creek (www.BackCreekDesign.com) maybe we can brainstorm with recipes the next time we are overwhelmed with CSA bounty.
    Happy eating,

  2. Hello!

    If you can, please check out Cozy Cafe in Columbia, MD! Its a small deli located in a high-rise building across from Columbia Mall. Check out our website for the menu :) Thank you!

  3. Hi,


    My name is Adrian Hall and I research content for OKChef.org. I am trying to contact the person responsible for maintaining the above page.

    We’ve created, and are continuing to a video glossary of culinary terms here: https://okchef.org/ . We are adding new resources weekly and checking for obsolete links.

    If you would consider adding our site to your page above, or anywhere you see fit, I would be very, very grateful.

    Have a great day!

    Adrian Hall

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