This week’s pickup! Per Jessie’s comment last week, I realized it would be a good idea to look into how much of this stuff was actually locally produced…
From Maryland: apples, potatoes, carrots, onions, and garlic from cold storage; Great Harvest bread (I think it’s oat) and eggs.
From Georgia: Kale and green beans.
From Florida: grapefruits and oranges.
Last week’s snap peas were from Georgia too. Lucky Southerners. I’ve been pining for the HoCo farmer’s markets, but I’m realizing that the farmers would only have stuff from cold storage anyway. And they certainly wouldn’t ever have oranges.
I also paid extra for some blueberry crumb dessert bread (tastes like blueberry pound cake, with a fantastic crumb) and a block of Guinness cheddar (very strong and savory; K would have happily eaten the whole thing). Pickup at the farm is always tempting, because the pickup shed is also where they have their farm store set up; when you go inside, you’re surrounded by jars of honey and preserves, and bars of lovely-smelling homemade soap. And sometimes they have samples of cheese or oatmeal or whatever else just came in.
I love buying homemade soap bars. As a bar soap guy, I’m limited in my selection. If I want scented soap, I’m stuck with moisturizing soap — which I hate. Maybe I’ll have to visit their farm. You should put the farm store address in your about page. (And beef up that About page!)
I’d be happy to pick up some soap for you if you can’t get out to the farm. It’s more fun to get there and smell them for yourself though. :)
A lot of their soaps are too perfume-y for me, but that’s a personal taste thing. We’re currently in the middle of a bar of sage/rosemary soap that I like, and I’m also looking forward to breaking out a lemon margharita soap when we’re done with this one.
Sandalwood soap is my favorite. If they have that, and it’s reasonable in price, please pick me up some. I’ll pay you back.
Oh I take that back! Your Pantry page basically IS your About page!
Clearly I need to work on the organization of information here…
Hi there, Nice distinction indeed. And I do love your reports and pictures. Om nom nom!
Thanks! Hopefully there’ll be more produce from Maryland as the year goes on.
Guiness cheddar sounds pretty tasty =)
It is! It also looks fantastically weird — globs of yellow suspended in a brown gel. It’s a lot like this picture.