K is the one who likes scrapple. He’s tried to get me to eat it before, but I’m not really a fan. Even I had to admit, though, that the scrapple at Lantz Restaurant, in the Dutch Country Farmers Market in Laurel, was pretty fabulous.
I think the trick is in the incredibly thin slicing. Because it’s sliced so thinly and fried so well, most of it is just crunchy fried goodness (particularly the edges and corners), and it goes all soft and melty in the center. True, it does taste of organ meat (a downside for me), but it also tastes of wonderful seasoning; the taste of organ meat goes away quickly and the seasoning remains to warm your mouth.
Given that, I still probably won’t order scrapple with my eggs and homefries (or warm, buttery grits) next time we’re out there for breakfast. If K orders scrapple, though, I will nip a little of his.
The rest of the Dutch Country Farmers Market is fantastic as well. I love walking in and being wrapped warmly in the scent of baked goods, fresh from the oven. Then we walk off to the left and smell sausage and fried chicken. Fresh meats and produce can be found in the center, and then as you come up the right aisle, you encounter snacking heaven: cheese samples, bits of sausage, pickles, dips. It’s fabulous. Plus the cheese vendor will grate or shred your purchase if you so desire.
It’s a splendid place. Get there early if you want breakfast, though, as there will almost certainly be a line. We got up a little late and had to wait for the first wave to finish. It was definitely worth the wait.