summer CSA, week 10

This week’s CSA: 1 head green leaf lettuce, 6 ears of corn, 2 lbs tomatoes, 2 lbs onions, 2 lbs summer squash, 4 nectarines, 4 peaches, 1/2 lb mushrooms, 1 head of garlic, a dozen eggs, and bread (Parmesan sourdough). I actually requested that the CSA hold a loaf of Parmesan sourdough for me, because apparently Great Harvest only bakes it on Wednesdays, which explains why I haven’t been getting it since I began picking up on Thursdays. Guess I might have to stop by Great Harvest myself on Wednesday mornings if I want my fix.

summer CSA, week 10

If you look next to the carton of eggs, just above the mushrooms, that’s a packet of fresh herbs. One of the things I love most about picking up right at the farm is getting to pick your own herbs from the herb garden. There are rows upon rows of flourishing herbs, and I usually go straight for the basil and parsley. There’s also dill, cinnamon basil, oregano, lavender, thyme, borage, and more.

herb garden, looking out

I love picking herbs on a sunny afternoon, brushing aside the bees and butterflies that are also enjoying the herb blossoms. I knew that basil flowered white, and cinnamon basil flowered purple, but I did not know about the lovely little purple thyme flowers or the big yellow dill blossoms. These are things you miss out on when buying herbs from the grocery store.

herb garden, looking in

I buy potted herbs from the farmer’s market every spring, too, but apparently I can’t manage to keep plants alive. This is why I leave the growing of vegetables to other people.

2 thoughts on “summer CSA, week 10

  1. I can’t keep herb plants alive either.

    Picking up Breezy Willow shares at a “satellite location” also gives the opportunity for herbs, but instead of picking them from the ground we get to pick them from a large bucket at the check-in table. It seems there’s always basil and lavender, with whatever else was ready to be picked that week.

    I think you have it best, picking at the farm: the herbs are even fresher and you have more choices. And there’s sunshine and butterflies and all. :)

    • I do love picking the herbs by hand; it’s one of the reasons why I continued getting my share at the farm, even after they opened up satellite locations closer to where I live.

      I wouldn’t mind having the herbs pre-picked sometimes, though, on days when I’m in a hurry. :) I’m glad they bring the herbs out to the satellite pickups!

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