summer CSA, week 2

This week’s CSA pickup from Breezy Willow: a pound of kale, a head of lettuce, four little broccoli crowns, two cucumbers, a pound of green beans, a pound of yellow squash, a bag of button mushrooms, two pounds of small red potatoes, and BLUEBERRIES. Oh, and eggs and bread (parmesan sourdough).

week 2 CSA pickup

The blueberries were the first to go. Usually I don’t mind splitting our share with our friends, but I was pretty sad to say goodbye to half that pint of blueberries. They were plump, sweet, and tasty… and now they’re all gone. Maybe I’ll find some more at the farmer’s markets.

I’m happy to see broccoli crowns and little red potatoes again, too, because what I did with them last week was so delicious that I wanted to make it again. Basically I cut the potatoes into quarters, cut the broccoli into small pieces (after peeling the tough outer fiber off the stem), and tossed both of them in olive oil with generous amounts of salt, pepper, and garlic powder. Then I scattered the pieces over two foil-lined trays and put them in the oven at 400 degrees. I took the broccoli out when the florets turned dark green and just a little crisped, and took the potatoes out a bit later when they looked browned around the edges. While they were cooking, I fried up a salmon patty (from a Costco tube of frozen patties made from wild-caught Alaskan salmon; they’re delicious). I split the salmon patty between the two of us. Total time to dinner: about twenty minutes.

weeknight dinner

4 thoughts on “summer CSA, week 2

  1. Well, I know what I’ll be doing with our potatoes and broccoli this week!

    I made some kale chips today. Surprisingly tasty. I used 3 big leaves and we ended up eating the whole batch in one sitting.

    How’s the parmesan sourdough? Do not spare me any adjectives. I managed to hold off for two weeks but I think next week I’m grabbing a loaf.

    • Yes, use the oven while temperatures outside are temporarily sane! When it’s really hot outside, I hate even standing near the stove, much less using the oven.

      I love the baked kale chips too. I just need to watch them carefully in the oven, or else they turn into kale charcoal.

      And I love the parmesan sourdough so much, it’s embarrassing. Actually I’m not usually a big fan of sourdough, but the flavor is the perfect complement to the savory cheese that streaks through it. Oh, and they’re pretty generous with the cheese dollops on top, too. It’s not the healthiest bread on offer, but it’s certainly one of the tastiest.

      • Wow, that sounds fabulous, thank you. I really love sourdough and I really love cheese; it’s clear any delusions of self-control should be cured before I bring a loaf of that parmesan sourdough into the house.

  2. Pingback: 2011 csa week three |

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