summer CSA, week 5

I’m late with the update, but here is last week’s pickup anyway:

CSA week 5

Aren’t the colors beautiful? That’s kale, romaine lettuce, yellow summer squash, green peppers, peaches (!!), blueberries, and cucumbers, as well as the usual bread (honey whole wheat) and eggs. Oh, and after I’d mostly finished putting everything away, I realized that I’d neglected to take a picture of the corn:

CSA week 5: corn

Getting CSA corn is always a bit of a crapshoot because they don’t like it if you peel the leaves back, so you can’t always tell if you have a worm at the top or not. (Worms: the price of organic gardening.) Fortunately the worms only eat a little bit of the corn, so you can just snap off the top inch or two and still have a perfectly good cob left over.

Fortunately, this week I didn’t find any worms in the corn, and I was able to make my favorite creamed corn recipe from Thomas Keller’s Ad Hoc at Home cookbook. It’s so savory, with a tang of lime zest and a bit of heat from cayenne pepper. I won’t type it out for you, but it’s really easy, and you can find it at this link.