spring CSA, week 8

This week’s farm pickup is from all over the map! From north to south, we have:
– mushrooms from Pennsylvania
– spinach from New Jersey
– garlic, apples, and potatoes from cold storage in Maryland
– sugar snap peas from Georgia
– lemons, oranges, and eggplant from Florida

week 8 csa pickup

The bread is Great Harvest’s “Herb de Breezy Willow,” flavored with last season’s dried herbs. I forgot to ask where the cheese was from, but that was today’s “farm fresh item” instead of eggs. We had a selection to choose from, and I picked Muenster. I love Muenster, especially melted on burgers. Mmm, burgers… grilling season is upon us.

I was worried about making the farm pickup yesterday, because the weather guys were predicting a thunderstorm, and the farm can get real muddy real fast. But instead when I showed up, the weather was warm and breezy and just perfect. The farm pets were out too, roaming around the yard and charming the CSA members. I got to coo over the new puppy, who was fearless and adorable. Then I had to reassure the older dog that she was lovable, as well.

The farm cat needed no such reassurance, and pretty much ignored me.